Category Archives: Film & Theology

Real Steel: Persevere Your Faith

If you click the link below, you will be directed to the trailer of the movie. I am not a huge movie buff, but this one is one that has piqued my interest.

Real Steel Movie Trailer (2)

There is also something that I enjoy doing and that is film & theology nights. Where you watch a movie and then you discuss spiritual elements out of it. Even though the crowd was small a few Sunday’s ago; we did this with the movie – THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. We had a great discussion on choices, free-will and predestination.

In this movie, the theme of preserving your faith will rise to the surface.

Through my connections with LINC and their diligent work on teaming up current themes and the lectionary; we will be taking a look at three scriptures:

1 Kings 19:1-15

1 Timothy 6:9-16

Exodus 17:8-16

Here are some of the key topics that we will be exploring:

Plenty of things in life can make us feel like we just took a right hook to the head from a boxing robot. When we get knocked down, God calls us to get back up and keep going.

The “good fight of faith” isn’t about who hits the hardest. It’s about invoking the will and the spirit of God to preserve and grow in faith.

We don’t compete in the good fight of faith all alone. We are surrounded by brothers and sisters in faith who support us and cheer us on when we get knocked down or feel like we can’t go on.

Tonight, some of our students will study this in our current theme class and then we will be going and seeing the movie on Saturday. We will see what our reactions will be to both.


Filed under Christ The Savior, Film & Theology, Theology, Youth Ministry